With a rich Portfolio of Cyber security solutions, we have the tools and qualified experts to build a comprehensive SOC (Security Operations Center) and help clients address threats before they turn into attacks. SOC can be designed for all type of structures to the most critical sectors to collect information and events from various security applications and equipment and conduct analysis to detect anomalies and flaws. We provide personalized support to help you build your SOC and define your security strategy and react on timely manner if an incident or branch occurs.
Penetration tests are run to measure the performance of simulated attacks on your company’s networks and applications. They are performed to verify the effectiveness your IT infrastructure’s security process and tools in place, to evaluate new applications and to verify compliance with standards and regulations. We provide penetration testing tools and services with detailed analysis and recommendations to help you monitor and enhance the security of your networks.
WEBINAR : How Safetica can help companies analyze user productivity and provide security in teleworking environments.
You are invited to join this webinar to learn how Safetica
can help you analyze productivity and provide security
in teleworking environments!
Optimiser et renforcer la protection de toutes ses infrastructures numériques grâce à l'IA de DARKTRACE
Inspiré du système immunitaire humain, la technologie de Darktrace est le leader mondiale de l’IA en entreprise et possède des milliers de clients à travers le monde. Darktrace protège les réseaux d’entreprise, les environnements de cloud et virtualisés, ainsi que les systèmes de contrôle industriels et de l’IoT.
Nous vous invitons à participer à ce Webinar dédié à la solution
F-Secure Rapid Detection & Response.
Home Office: How to Protect Your Company Data?
Companies close their offices on a large scale and introduce home office for all their employees. Currently, the vast majority of all companies have introduced working from home for up to several weeks. However in our experience, most companies are not sufficiently prepared for these steps.
What you can learn in the Safetica document:
Because Nevo Technologies invests in educating end users about our innovative products, we are able to directly generate leads which we pass on to our network of resellers. We also have an extensive range of marketing tools available to help you promote our products directly.